“Witty and wise, this small book is a treasure.” – Deepak Chopra
"What a delightful collection of wisdom and what a sweet way of presenting it. Here is a quick and easy way to get in touch with deep truth. "
– Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God
“If you’re ready to meet God in an exciting and unforgettable way, read and re-read this soul-touching book.”
– Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

From the author, TJi: “God Made Me from Spare Parts was born out of a deep need to reflect on my life during a difficult time, after my father died. The process of writing the parables gave me a softer and more meaningful introspection, when I needed to find a way to process all the things I was feeling. The simplicity allowed me to look at my troubles in a childlike way, and gave me perspective to be grateful for what I had, to build the strength and confidence to take on life again.”
The three hardcover books in the series were refined and printed in Thailand, with the help of some truly kind people, who appreciated the universal, positive messages found in the parables. Irrespective of their native faith system, these welcoming folk shared a very peaceful Buddhist environment where we could channel the best in us, while learning the intricacies of book publishing. We were also very lucky that gifted writers identified with the message and kindly endorsed our efforts.
Unexpected events occur on the journey of life, and we deviated from the creative works to learn other things. We arrived at this point in time and were encouraged to share our book, so we offer God Made Me from Spare Parts as a gift to all who want to experience it’s simple philosophical and spiritual reflection. People who find something meaningful for themselves and who may want to contribute to our ability to produce more content can do so, but it’s not required.
Some short animations representing parables from the book
Our first vintage animation:-)

Universal Pain
100 Metaphors on Pain.
Selected Pages Below.
A phantasmagorical book that can be used as a creative diagnostic tool to communicate what you are going through.