People often ask me how I became a, so-called, ‘healer’? I tell them it was through a personal injury that gave me a window into chronic pain. When I recovered, I immediately immersed myself into learning how to make anyone in pain feel a little better. Who knew?

I think it’s natural for autodidacts to suffer from a little imposter syndrome. Validation is often more confusing, and so my advice is to continue learning and to do your best. In the end, the people who get something from you can’t contain their gratitude. TJI

People who came seeking support.

Sharon could barely walk and wasn’t able to sleep in a horizontal position because of a lung problem.

Richard was physically rigid and couldn’t speak above a whisper.

Govinda was feeling extreme stress suffering with severe exzema.

Miriam was suffering from debilitating vertigo. She couldn’t lay down because of dizziness and nausea.

Pati was feeling depressed and a bit hopeless because of insomnia.

Javier was feeling emotionally blocked and generally stuck, in his life.

Karolina was borderline depressed and having trouble finding positive energy to move forward.

Amaro felt he was given the gift to heal himself.

Ximena was feeling heavy depression from severe trauma.

Lama Christum Deus was feeling down, and had trouble breathing, he was exhausted.

Paola is feeling very happy with renewed energy.

Luzclara felt like she’d had a sacred experience.

Patricio felt great improvement emotionally and physically.

Nirvana was feeling emotionally drained and physically blocked.

Juan Francisco was feeling a pain in his chest and generally tense.

Dayana was feeling weighed down with emotions, negative, and low energy.

Tiatia was feeling blocked, and heavy.

Valentina was feeling unhappy, blocked, and heaviness in her chest.

Dani feels like she is seeing the world in a new way.

Austin was feeling heavy and burdened with emotions.

Luisa was feeling stressed and anxious, with stuck emotions.

Celeste was suffering with depression and severe anxiety from past trauma.

Eduardo is feeling lighter and better.

Taru was feeling heavy emotions, negative, and stuck.
